

I really put up this website to bring to light and make available a discovery I made.   The discovery is simple enough. It’s the controversy and heated debate that it provokes that I feel I may be under estimating………

By means of oracular consultation by ancient Egyptian priests I have written a paper that proves English and or broken English was used to name Pharaohs and Queens of ancient Egypt.

Some examples …

Amenhotep = A-Man-Of-Depth

Amenophis = A-Man-Of-Peace

I thus wrote a paper titled –English, the language of the gods and in it produced a list of about 250 names I had decoded using a methodology I developed. Please take your time to read the paper in its entirety before drawing your conclusions.

I wrote 2 papers with the title –English, the language of the gods. The lengthier one of the 2 has my thoughts (“Authors thoughts” at the time of writing) And both are included on this website.

A little about me…………

My name is Toluwalase oladimeji. Toluwalase is my first name and Oladimeji is my surname.

Tolu is an abbreviation of Toluwalase. Tolu is pronounced …Tow-loo……in English and is the name I am popularly known as.   My first name in full which is Toluwalase could mean God’s Sceptre of authority. Toluwalase is a Yoruba name of western Nigeria.

I have spent my life equally on 2 continents – Europe (Britain) and Africa (Nigeria).   And I can say I am just as at home eating bangers and mash as I am eating pounded yam and efo eriro soup.

When I am not pondering the universe lol…in my spare time i love reading ( I could get lost in a good library) even though I am no geek.   I also love boxing as a sport.……..( we, naijas are different. lol)

Other than being a script writer and researcher, Tolu is a qualified Graphic Artist and an IT professional.


